Bible Study

Every Tuesday night, our community gathers for weekly fellowship and Bible study. The primary purpose of Bible study is to provide a space for people to go into the Word more deeply than we have time to on Sunday morning. Bible study begins with a time or sharing prayer requests and praise reports. We typically read the Sunday service passage before during Bible study, in order to prepare our hearts and minds for Sunday and to let the Word of God for each week dwell in our hearts as a family. Bible study alternates between being joint with men and women some weeks and having separate space for men and women other weeks. The separate weeks are to provide a space where men and women can share about issues more appropriately discussed in same-gender groups. Children and teens are able to participate in weekly youth group during Bible study. Our Youth ministry team, lead by Deacon Shawn, gather at the same time in separate space in person and online for youth to have special time of games and Bible study.Â