BCC Testimony



We testify to the God of heaven, the one who created everything and who exists forever as Father, Son and Holy Ghost. 


We testify that all humanity is created in the image of God, have become lost in sin and rebellion against God, and are on their way to hell. 


We testify that Jesus Christ is God, that He took on flesh to bear the cost of our wickedness. He made a way out of no way when He died on the cross and rose again in all power to set us free from sin and death.


We testify that receiving grace through faith in Jesus as Lord and Savior is the only salvation from hell and unto freedom and new life. All who put their trust in Jesus are free indeed and are filled with the Holy Ghost to live a transformed life. 


We testify that the Church is God’s sanctified people on this side of glory, meant to live in holiness, unity and witness to the world until our homecoming when Jesus comes back and leads us to the Promised Land.


We testify that the Bible—both Old and New Testaments—are the divinely-breathed, Word of God and are the only perfect witness of God’s plan for His creation and His people. 


We testify that the Good News of Jesus Christ proclaims freedom that is available to all creation from the spiritual forces of sin and darkness as well as physical and social forces of oppression. God’s people are called to testify in word and deed to God's liberation and justice through the care of creation and standing in solidarity with the poor and oppressed.